Oracle JDev 11g Technology Preview 4 is out there

See also "New Features" doc:

Thanks to all 3000 Fusion Users or bloggers..

Hi all
My blog reached to visitors of count 3000 now since from 5/28/2007 .Hang on folks,Soon i will be coming with posts on OID, SOA, and an Fusion middleware architecture in much more detail...+ ESB and BPEL with examples.

Thanks all..Happy blogging.

Those days are over..Fusion NoMore ConFusion..

As i said,Nomore confusion about Oracle Fusion Middleware/Oracle Fusion applications..If you still have confusions that means you are not in touch with what is going on with oracle technologies.
Let me try to make it clear..

Oracle Fusion: is nothing but integration of Oracle applications such as EBusiness Suite, PeopleSoft, Siebel, Retek, JD Edwards,etc. into a set of next generation applications based on open industry standards. these nextgeneration applications will be based on the SOA (Service oriented architecture)
Oracle Fusion middleware : is the platform which can used to build/develop fusion applications.
oracle has selected some of the below technologies as foundation for fusion.

Some of the oracle fusion components:
>Oracle Jdev
>Oracle application development framework (ADF)
>Identity Management
>Single sign-on
>Grid control

Reset the Oracle EM password/ Administrator password.

Reset the Administrator (oc4jadmin) Password


If you forget or do not know the oc4jadmin password, then you cannot monitor or administer the application server or its components with the Application Server Control Console.


Reset the oc4jadmin password using the following procedure while you are logged in as the user who installed the Oracle Application Server instance:

Stop OC4J and the Application Server Control.

Enter the following command in the Oracle home of the application server instance:

(UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopproc ias-component=OC4J
(Windows) ORACLE_HOME\opmn\bin\opmnctl stopproc ias-component=OC4J

Locate and open the following file in a text editor:


Locate the line that defines the credentials property for the oc4jadmin user.

The following example shows the section of system-jazn-data.xml with the encrypted credentials entry in boldface type:


OC4J Administrator
OC4J Administrator

Replace the existing encrypted password with the new password.

Be sure to prefix the password with an exclamation point (!). For example:


The password for the oc4jadmin user should conform to following guidelines:

Must contain at least five characters, but not more than 30 characters.

Must begin with an alphabetic character. It cannot begin with a number, the underscore (_), the dollar sign ($), or the number sign (#).

At least one of the characters must be a number.

Can contain only the following characters; numbers, letters, and the following special characters: US dollar sign ($), number sign (#), or underscore (_).

Cannot contain any Oracle reserved words, such as VARCHAR.

Delete cached password data by deleting the contents of the following directory:


Start OC4J and the Application Server Control.

After the restart, the Application Server Control will use your new Administrator (oc4jadmin) password, which will be stored in encrypted format within the system-jazn-data.xml file.